The coastal zone is a complex area where many interactions take place, it is a highly profitable as well as a highly vulnerable zone.
The main question is, how to find the balance between grabbing the short-term profits now and enjoying the long term, sustainable and higher benefits later. In short: how to find the balance between economy and ecology, between development and environment? The aim of the Climate of Coastal Cooperation publication is to offer support in finding answers to this question.
The book comprises four sections. Part One and Two present and highlight coastal cooperation initiatives around Europe and Asia authored by a cast of international coastal management experts from the Netherlands, Romania, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Part Three provides a wealth of concepts, tools of best and innovative practices and coastal measures. And Part Four deals with coastal cooperation actions in future outlook.
The emphasis throughout the book is that a holistic perspective is needed to devise effective and sustainable coastal management systems. It provides an important knowledge resource for those seeking to understand and employ such integrated approaches to coastal management.
This book is written for policymakers and professionals who are or will be responsible in the near future for the physical planning, applied research and management of their countries’ coastal resources and therefore, for the sustainable development of their coastal zones.
The target group includes:
- Applied scientists in the fields of coastal hydraulics, ecology, engineering and integrated management for sustainable development;
- Policymakers preparing coastal regulations and laws based on comprehensive analyses of coastal resources leading to ICZM programs and increased coastal cooperation;
- Representatives of Non Governmental Organisations interested in showing the decision makers that integrated management and sustainable development will pay off... in the long term.
- Decision makers, involved with and responsible for the development and application of holistic, integrated approaches that enable them to use their coastal resources in a profitable and sustainable way.
Click HERE to open the FULL Article

The “Climate of Coastal Cooperation” (CCC) Cobouw Book Review – Coastal protection requires international cooperation, 15 November 2011
Click HERE to open the article.
Cobouw is the Dutch Newspaper for the Netherlands’ building industry:
The “Climate of Coastal Cooperation” (CCC) Book Presentation – 3rd November 2011
During the International Water Week in Amsterdam on Thursday, November 3, Cees Veerman receives the International Coastal or Coastal book Climate Cooperation.
In the presence of 10 ambassadors from highly vulnerable coastal areas, this book, written by hundreds of authors has been presented. This book shows how coastal issues if properly handled, can be turned into challenges. Vision, policy and cooperation between sectors, from international to local treatment. Economically profitable development and sustainability go hand in hand in this richly illustrated book!
Find more about this event here – Programme of CCC Book Presentation
- Press release (in Dutch) – Honderd internationale kustprofessionals pleiten voor samenwerking
- Photos from the "Climate of Coastal Cooperation" (CCC) Book Presentation by Harry van Reeken
Book Reviews
“This valuable collection of short articles and case studies from Europe and Asia documents why over the past 30 years The Netherlands has been a world leader in the implementation of integrated coastal management.”
- by Charles N. Ehler, Coordinator of the Marine Spatial Planning Initiative, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO, Paris, and former Director, International Office, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Washington, USA.
“PEMSEA welcomes the publication of ‘Climate of Coastal Cooperation’ which documents the ICZM programs in Europe and Asia, including those undertaken through international and bilateral cooperation in developing Asia. The lessons learned and experiences in implementing coastal management approaches in different parts of the world, as brought together in this work, provide an invaluable resource for related initiatives globally and in the East Asian Seas region.”
-by Prof. Raphael P.M. Lotilla, Executive Director, Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA, GEF/UNDP Regional Programme, Manila, Philippines).
"This book not only provides insights into a large number of ICZM initiatives in the EU and Asian countries, it also draws the attention to the mind boggling challenges coastal decision makers and planners have to face due to global change, now and in the years to come. Only integrated solutions can be the answer."
-by Irene Lucius, Head of Policy, WWF International, Danube-Carpathian Programme, Vienna.