V-1 List of downloadable Traning Manuals and Tools

The CCC production aims to increase the exchange and transfer of applied coastal knowledge and technology. The reader is encouraged to get acquainted with some concepts and tools through downloading and using the Training Manuals and ICZM Planning Tools – Demos. You can download these manuals and tools free of charge on condition of proper referencing. The list of downloadbale materials can also be found here.

V-1-1 List of Training Manuals
V-1-1-1 Coastal Protection Guidelines

A guide to cope with erosion in the broader perspective of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. RIKZ/CZM-C 2001. 

V-1-1-2 Thai Aquaculture experiences in an ICZM frame

Leewis, R.J. and S. Boromthanarat, 2003:
Report of TPS/CORIN, CRI, Hat Yai and Coastal Zone Management Centre/Min.I&E,The Hague, The Netherlands: 57 pp.

V-1-1-3 Where water and land meet

Marta Vahtar, Robbert Misdorp, Pham Toan, Le Van Thu, Le Ngo Hung, Phan Thi Le Dong and Maja Zdesar, 2005:
Water, Water-Management and Coastal Zone Management Education in the Context of Regular Primary School Education” - Teaching material for Grade 1 to 12.

V-1-1-4 Training for the Sustainable Management of Marine Protected Areas

Julius Francis, Carien van Zwol, Dianeeta Sadacharan,
A teaching manual for Training Managers – Western Indian Ocean Region; CZM-Centre, WIOMSA, World Bank, The Hague, 2000

V-1-2 ICZM Planning Tools - Demos
V-1-2-1 Three Demos of the COSMO - Family: COSMO, COSMO-BIO and COSMO-SAMPAK

Software can be downloaded here. Instructions for installation: save the COSMO.zip file to your computer -> unzip the files -> this will result in three directories, one for each of the COSMO family:

COSMO: install this on your computer using setup.exe (267 kb);
COSMOBIO: you can start using it by running:
…CCC Internet V-1-2-1-2 COSMO-BIOCosmobiocosmobio.exe;
COSMOSAMPAK: you can start using it by running
… CCC Internet V-1-2-1-2 COSMO-SampakSampakgeoCOSMOSAM.exe;

Information: marcel.taal@deltares.nl

V-1-2-2 The CoastLearn - Link: www.coastlearn.org

Information: m.ferreira@euc.net, c.perez@eucc.net

V-1-2-3 The RAMCO - Link: www.riks.net/projects/ramco

Information: hvdelden@riks.nl

V-1-2-4 The DR-EIA - Link: www.dr-eia.org

Information j.deschutter@unesco-ihe.org

The STREAM - Demo version - Link: www.adaption.nl

go to: STREAM, downloads, download STREAM Demo (77mb) and follow the instructions. Information: jeroen.aerts@ivm.vu.nl

V-2 Alphabetic list of the 101 CCC - Authors and their e-mail addresses

Can be found here.

V-3 Acknowledgements

Can be found here.
