I-1 EU - Integrated Coastal Zone Management Initiatives

Introductory Statment
Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director European Environmental Agency

I-1-1 Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the European Union

Birgit Snoeren, Niels Roode, Hugo Niesing
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-1-2 Examples of ICZM practices in Europe

Albert Salman & Alan Pickaver
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-1-3 Conclusions


I-2 The Netherlands - Coastal planning and implementation

Introductory Statement: "Vision, ingenuity & leadership"
A.B.M. van der Plas, former Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management

I-2-1 The Netherlands: Flood, erosion and management

Niels Roode, Tjark van Heuvel, Robbert Misdorp
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-2-2 Rotterdam: Sustainable harbour development

Robbert Misdorp
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-2-3 Marine Spatial Planning

Leo de Vrees
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-2-4 River pollution and coastal sediment quality

Remi Laane, Jos van Gils, Robbert Misdorp, Kees Kramer
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-2-5 Challenges for the 21st Century

Marcel Stive, Mark van Koningsveld, Robbert Misdorp
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-2-6 Conclusions


I-3 Romania: ICZM planning in an initial stage

Introductory Statement
Ana Lucia Varga - former Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

I-3-1 ICZM in Romania

Claudia Coman
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-3-2 The Danube Delta: back to nature

Adrian Stanica
Summary --- Full Chapter

I-3-3 Conclusions


I-4 Synthesis Part I: Europe

Gerrit Baarse & Robbert Misdorp
Synthesis Part I: Europe